Hi! We are the Young's. I'm Julie, my husband is Joe and our daughter is 3yr old Abigail. We adopted Abigail from Guatemala in 2005. We got her referral the day she was born and she was in our arms at 4 months 1 week old. Since then we have found the greatest joy in being a family. Whether it be hiking in the mountains, enjoying my husband's photography, visiting the beach with friends or just living in the moment. We have also learned that families are there for the good and the sad. Last year we decided to adopt again, this time domestically. Unfortunately for us we had two heartbreaking failures. We put our dreams of completing our family on hold and found comfort in each other. In April we decided it was time. Those old wounds are not forgotten but hope rings true for all of us. Whether it is Abigail making us play out conversations she will some day have with a brother or us imagining us as a complete family of four. We signed up to adopt a baby boy from South Korea. We have been down this road before and know it is long but we have hope. We have had our homestudy complete since June, fingerprinted in June and now waiting for clearance to adopt from the US. So join us in the wait 4 Nate.